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   PARS – Public Administration and Regional Studies – is the official scientific journal of the Faculty of Juridical, Social and Political Sciences, Galati, Romania, published in the field of public administration and regional science by „Dunărea de Jos” University of Galati. The excellent reputation of the Faculty of Juridical, Social and Political Sciences as a highly-esteemed institution has increased unceasingly and it is a known fact that our faculty has steadily attracted more and more students willing to enroll since its establishment. Our journal has certainly had its major contribution to this reputation having benefited along the years of the invaluable support of expert university teaching staff from our country or abroad. All these people have contributed to the reinforcement of PARS as one of great value in the domain of administrative sciences and regional studies.

    The texts of the articles and book review are written in one of the two internationally spread languages, English, mainly, or French. By approaching subjects of maximum interest at present, the papers prove the importance of the joint effort of academics who share the same values and make their own contribution to the preservation of these values.

    The journal may be consulted online as it has its own site at and it has acquired greater visibility by its being included on two research databases, EBSCO and REPEC.

Founding members:
Romeo Ionescu, Violeta Pușcașu, Răducan Oprea, Florin Tudor